Grammar | Words | Phrases | Pronunciation |
28/04/2021 18:26:23 You must do it You must be confident once a month twice a month three times a week | exactly equipment candidate apartment building | He has good thoughts She need to recover after the birth/delivery/pregnancy I love the water pressure and a special nozzle. | |
I must do it He does | I decided increase/decrease reason Boxing gloves recently wake/woke earn/make money my power/strength The living room argue/argument win/won/won | In general We had a fight the same job I’m afraid It’s (all) for the best I did an ultrasound (узи) He’s getting/receiving treatment I’m lucky that I have to relieve stress to blow off some steam I need to rest I need to take some time off I have less fat than him Have a nice trip | 10 percent |
meet – met (познакомился, встретился) He couldn’t do business I flew to Krasnoyarsk We sat and talked for 3 hours We shook are hands Choose chose chosen Lose lost lost find found found Now we must think wake up – woke up | Store-Magazine spelling mistakes Landlord first victory 3 square meters in a dorm one man, many men compete | She hit her head against her sister’s. We left a chaos She fell from the slide. it’s better to check for the first time It’s the only thing that our guests take away. It was much more important that I had a dream rather than experience as we found out later as we learned later as we realized later We terminated the contract businessmen Young businessmen destroyed the market We ended up paying 150K a month. how we can compete with them nobody makes good money as they used to. | |
She doesn’t know She doesn’t know if she needs this or not She doesn’t know whether or not she needs this. | good girl good boy practiced Stock market For example helpful | I don’t know if I really want it. She needs to know if she is great. She needs to know if she is doing great. for improving my abs I got injured / I got an injury My __knee_ hurts. | |
Sweat Practical Supplier Supply Predict – прогнозировать armchair – кресло Disabled person | It fits your palm (iPhone 8) Don’t hurt me. Walks into the room 100ml of sweat He said that we had a business meeting in 30 minutes The business hasn’t reached its full capacity I gave my car to my sister My sister isn’t happy. Her husband doesn’t do anything for her happiness. She takes care of the child | ||
there was a conference | lie (лежать) in the sand lie – обманывать psychology psychological | the taste of food We argue a lot – мы спорим много. a cheaper alternative to a hotel at the same time he makes a lot of money Russian cities look alike. Russian cities are similar. It depends on the goal | |
What is the weather like? What were the people like? What was the food like? We didn’t know what to do. We didn’t know the rules of the road. | alone skyscraper 100 even at all | I ran over a big hole and my tire blew up I can’t ski We had / got a good discount We had a good deal and couldn’t refuse We had a great view the main street people were unapproachable. local people / foreigners He doesn’t know English at all It affects you my pleasure | hoTEL hoTEL hoTEL |
I’m going to go (to the store) – я собираюсь пойти в магазин go swimming go wakeboarding go skating we went wakeboarding | Store (not magazine) He invited me bow tie (бабочка) Sa(l)mon – лосось pro | my leg hurts I got an injury (I got injured) He has special equipment She has gray hair It is lying on the rug I had my car serviced (машина была в сервисе) throw it in the trash can We bought some food with a lot of proteins I drove him home he had to move to another apartment | |
present simple usually, sometimes, always, never, often, rarely, normally | sunny-side up scrambled eggs | two heated parking spaces how often do you eat out ? | |
increase decrease | I need to cut down on fats. I need to get more proteins (protins). I will write this task down. It’s enough. I plan 1-2 weeks in advance (beforehand) | ||
At 6:30 He dismantled old materials floor ceiling roof – крыша walls three and a half He is scary Narrow – узкие Thick – толстые dark eyes he’s bald Skirt clothes /clouz/ | My stomach tells me You need some time in the White House He was a criminal When he was robbing a house he punched the owner of this house. He works with wood. I never saw him angry. I’ve never seen him angry. Nobody to mess up with him. Nobody wants to piss him off. He can make fun of everyone. I removed them. The most difficult part is to decide what you need. | ||
There is / there are There is a problem. There are two tables in my room. There is a cat in the street. There are two types of people. was/were прошлое There was a joke about it. There wasn’t any chemistry. She/he/it like -> she likes have -> she has go -> he goes do -> he does | illness – болезнь will – завещание quit – выйти quiet – спокойный renovation brick – кирпич rent a place manufacture | Show me. He had a surgery one month ago. make a dua for him Allah helps him What do you mean? Because of him and his behavior, my friend Andrey became a muslim. How should I react to this situation? As a muslim / as a friend chemistry When we met he was a promoter. He stood next to the metro station and handed out flyers. 100 square meters about 100 000 He is scary. He was in jail for 10 years. | |
So cute, so adorable | In the kitchen her Instagram, her future within 4 months look for – искать Do you get along? I treat everyone equally treat others the way you want to be treated about 50 – около 50 portable scales I form / develop a good eating habit | ||
I must go I must sleep I must eat Why did you write to me? Did you go to the store? | Can I have a check? a six-pack abs – пресс one(a) hundred thousand rubles magazine – журнал market – рынок store – магазин food – еда sometimes – иногда always – всегда often – часто usually – обычно rarely – редко vegetables – овощи fats – жиры cakes – торты difficult – сложный describe – описывать pronunciation | we decide who the winner is we have the same brand How do you spell it? You’re always in shape Are you sure? It depends – это завист What is “describe”? What’s “describe”? They both are my best friends. Today’s topic I’m dead I’m in big trouble | |
Yesterday I worked. I read /red/ a contract This is my world. This is my (NO) This is mine (YES) This is yours. Last year I went to Turkey. I wanted to find I would open more stores. Were you hungry? | (a) Contract (an) Agreement My share 12.5 new dishes retire – выходить на пенсию. bank account – банковский счет Petya’s car yours. mine. My friend’s car My friends’ car. For fun. sew – шить Maybe less, maybe more success A piece of art – произведение искусства | I sold it for 26 mil. It will calm me down. I’ll calm down. He can’t come back. He has a lot of enemies. Maybe this is his friend’s house. Is this his house? Maybe it’s his house? She’s going to be a mother. She is expecting a baby. | |
Have you read James Bond? Yes, I have. I play basketball two times a week | Convenient I rent it. Gym in the past business stuff | Money is a means to an end Деньги – средство для достижения цели I mixed it up I mistook STH/SMB for STH/SMB A lot of muslims live there. A lot of money. Little money. Few people, few cars. | In an apartment – ИНЭНАпартмент In an office – ИНЭНофис I can SAY. I CAN’T say. |